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The Elementary Education Curriculum


         In compliance with DepEd Order No. 2002, Malanday Elementary School adopts the Basic Education Curriculum (BEC) for Grades 4 to 6 which focuses on the tool learning areas. Grades I, 2 and 3 are now under the K to 12 programs.


        English is taught for 70 minutes in Grade Three, and for 60 minutes in Grades Four to Six.  This learning area is concerned with developing competencies in listening, speaking, reading and writing among learners.  Science and health concepts are used as content in this area.


        Mathematics is focused on providing learners with opportunities in the acquisition of skills and competencies necessary to gain understanding and appreciation of the subject. Each grade level has specific skills and  competencies to be developed among learners.  This learning area is taught for 60 minutes in Grades One to Six.


        Science and Health is introduced as a separate learning area in Grade Three.  This area aims to help the child gain a functional understanding of Science concepts and principles linked with real-life situations. This also leads to the  science skills as well as scientific attitudes and values necessary in solving everyday problems pertaining to health and sanitation, nutrition and values necessary in solving everyday problems pertaining to health and sanitation, nutrition, the environment and conservation.  The daily time allotment for the area is 40 minutes for Grade Three and 60 minutes for Grades Four to Six.


        Filipino as a learning area, like English, provides for the development of competencies in listening, speaking, reading and writing.  Sibika and Kultura concepts are used as content for this area.  This is taught for 60 minutes in Grades One to Six.


The fifth subject called Makabayan has been designed as the practice environment for holistic learning to develop a personal and national pride.  Makabayan has separate subjects.    Sibika at Kultura for Grades One to Three.  Heograpiya, Kasaysayan at Sibika (HEKASI) for Grades Four to Six Musika, Sining at Edukasyon sa Pagpapalakas ng Katawam (MSEP) is integrated in Grades One to Three and as separate learning area in Grades Four to Six EPP is taught in Grade Four to Six.  Character Education is also taught as a separate subject.


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